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Hopefully with a lot of effort,this pardey can improve on where the last pardey went wrong. 80 dudes turned out for the last pardey.The purpose of such a pardey is so all the dudes on the iRiSH scene can meet each other and generally have loadza phun.Dudes who attend can enter the graphics/musak/demo comps & take part in cool game playing comps. Overall the main aim of the pardey is to show the world that there is an AMiGA scene in iRELAND and most importantly,that we can be as good as anyone else when it comes to releasing top quality warez. 2WHEN & WHERE ?1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The pardey will take place on Sunday 7th March 1993 in Dublin's Gresham Hotel,on Dublin's O'Connell ST. The pardey doors will promptly open at 12 midday and close at approx 22:00. 2WHO WiLL BE THERE ?1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meet iRELAND's top AMiGA dudes and finally put a face or voice on that postal contact. The pardey is being organised by 3SUBMiSSiON iRELAND1 so you can contact one of their Pardey Reps,either Green-Beret or Summoner,on the day. Hopefully the following iRiSH groups will be attending:- 2Exodus1 2Quadriga1 2Eclipse1 2Mdma1 And you can even meet iRELANDS NO#1 voted computer dude 3Polaris/Eclipse1. 2WHAT DO YOU NEED TO BRING ?1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok for dudes that haven't been to a pardey before,heres how it goes. If at all possible,bring your own computer and monitor. Our experience from past pardies both in Europe and iReland is that people get really cheesed off on the day if they have to wait to use someone elses computer for either copying disks or for just put the finishing touches on one of their competition entries. External drives are especially welcome on the day in order to speed up disk duplication and for the general faster flow of the pardey. Blank Disks on the day can be obtained from Computer City Computer Store which is less than 1 minute walk from the Pardey Venue.The store opens from 12 midday until approx 17:00,disks can be purchased for approx IR.50p each,which may be a little expensive,so we recommend that you bring your own blanks in advance.If anybody can provide disks on the day at a reasonable price,then contact one of the organisers. Don't forget your pardey ticket on the day as no tickets will be sold on the day due to Hotel rules. 2WHATS THE TIMETABLE ?1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 312:001 PARDEY DOORS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. 315:001 COMPETITION TIME STARTS IN THIS ORDER. Demo Competition. Graphics (both raytraced pictures and normal gfx will be accepted). Musak comp. Game playing comp [probably Lotus Challenge and Kick off] 317:001 Results of the various competitions will be announced. 2WHATS THERE OTHER THAN COMPUTER EVENTS !1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3MANTIS1 Will be playing some of the best -E-LECTRO musak around throughout the pardey and even doing LiVE MiXiNG! There will be full Bar facilities for the duration of the pardey !!HiC HiC!! Wanna star on our ace Pardey Video!!The cameras will be rolling from start to finish and a video will be available a few days afterwards. 2WHAT WARES WILL BE GOING AROUND ?1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the top warez of the day will be available both SCeNE and pardey productions.Again it's essential that we have plenty machines in order to make things move smoothly. 2SOUND SYSTEM!1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is hoped that TiM (MISTA FANTASTIC) CAN BRING HIS C()()L 2 KW PA SYSTEM! 2VOTiNG iN ZE COMPS!1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Voting sheet will be handed out to all who want to take part in the event to vote in the best gfx/musak and demo entries. 2ALL PRODUCTIONS WILL BE SPREAD GLOBALLY!1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remember we are trying to prove to the world that we can release top quality productions and Green-Beret/Submission,Gazzer/Eclipse,Polaris/Ecl J/\Y/Eclipse as well as some other euro dudes will globally spread all the aprdey productions. Gremlin graphics Irl will also be there so hopefully they can appreciate some of ireland top quality crews! 2EXPERIENCE THE EVENT OF A LIFETIME!1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be the Computer Experience of a lifetime with so many different people attending,there has to be something for everyone. Experience the group feeling,combined with top quality Electro musak playing live and excellent competitions. 2HERES HOW YOU CAN ATTEND!1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Order your ticket by calling our on-screen-number number N()\X/! Tickets cost IR#5 each and have to be ordered in advance. No tickets can be sold on the day due to Hotel rules. Our costs are #300 for the room hire and #200 for prizes so a large turn out is needed to make this event viable and to encourage more of these computer events. 3Postal Address: For more info: Pardey BBS: Green-Beret/Submission Voice:- Forbidden Planet:-1 Barry O'Donnell. ++353-(0)1-8205893 ++353-(0)1-8215447 Node1 87 Georgian Village, from 22:00-23:00 ++353-(0)1-8205910 Node2 Castleknock, Ask for Barry 14.4k/16.8k HST/DS Dublin 15, 2or1 ++353-(0)1-8201494 Ireland. from 18:00-23:00 Ask for Joe Tekknoid/Submission Joe Comiskey, 65 Woodview Grove, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland. 2PLEASE SEND AN SAE IF YOU ARE ORDERING TICKETS BY MAIL!1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't miss the experience of a lifetime! I look forward to see you at the T h E 3 ________ __ __ ______ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ __ __ _____ \~_ __//~/\/ // ___//__// // /\ /~ //~ //~ \/ //~ __/\ < _/\/ /_/ //__ // // / // / / / /~~ __// / // // __/\/ /_/\\/_____//_____//__//_____//__/__/ / /_____//_____//_/\__//____/\/ \_\/ \_____\\_____\\__\\_____\\__\__\/ \_____\\_____\\_\/\_\\____\/ V V V V V V V V V V V V : . : : : . : : . . : . . . : . . .1 [MaT] 2Green-Beret/Submission signing off!1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2Article by1 : 3Green-Bereet/Submission1